Tuesday 17 January 2017

Biochemical Pathology in an Experimental Second-Hand Cigarette Smoke Exposure Model

White matter injury and degeneration are common features of developmental and aging-associated diseases, yet their pathobiological bases are poorly understood. However, recent advances in Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization instruments and chemistry have provided critical tools for myelin-lipid analytical research.

Experimental Second-Hand Cigarette Smoke
This study characterizes Cigarette Smoke exposure effects on frontal lobe lipid ion profiles in adult male A/J mice that had been exposed to air for 8 weeks (A8), CS for 4 (CS4) or 8 weeks , or CS8 followed by 2 weeks recovery. MALDI data acquired by analysis of lipid extracts plated onto a ground steel target (high through-put) were compared with Imaging Mass Spectrometry.

MALDI-time-of-flight detected 120 lipid ions with m/z’s of 600 to 1300 (phospholipids and sulfatides) in samples plated onto the steel target or analyzed by IMS, but just 25 ions (18%) were detected by both methods.

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