Wednesday 4 January 2017

Lung Cancer and Nicotine

Lung cancer is the third most common cancer after prostate gland and breast cancer. A study has been reported 63,000 deaths per year in India due to the lung cancer. Although, there must be numerous of other factors behind the occurrence of lung cancer but most common of all is smoking and tobacco consumption.

Lung Cancer and Nicotine
Thankappan and thresia has reported that there has been 5 million deaths per year i.e., approximately one in ten adults in the world including 2.41 million deaths in developing countries and 2.43 million being attributed to developed countries occur only because of tobacco consumption.

Chewing or smoking tobacco and its products contains high amount of carcinogenic nicotine and its derivatives. Excessive inhaling of nicotine results in the alteration of signalling pathways responsible for proliferation, apoptosis and metastasis. Lung cancer culminates from the series of changes in the signalling pathways.

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