Wednesday 17 August 2016

Nutraceuticals from Olives Plain Water Extraction

Old and environmentally friendly procedures might be reconsidered in olive debittering  as a green strategy in the production of goods in the interest of nutritional, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries from wastes. The recovering of bergamot albedo from wastes of cosmetic industries has been recently proposed as a source of statinlike active principles.

Nutraceuticals from Olives Plain

Table olives are the most popular fermented agri-food in Mediterranean countries. Their composition depends on several factors such as genetics, ripening, processing technologies and storage. Standard processing technologies affect the physicochemical features of olive fruits such as color, texture, volatile compounds and phenol contents and, consequently, the organoleptic and nutritional properties of the final product. Any processing method aims, in general, at removing the natural bitterness of the fruit, caused by phenols, especially by the glucosyde known as oleuropein. Oleuropein and its metabolites have powerful antioxidant activity both in vivo and in vitro making virgin olive oil a functional food. This secoiridoid is able to confer resistance to diseases and insect infestation, and offers antioxidant protection due to the catechol moiety.

It is also accumulated as a defense mechanism against phytophatogens. In particular, when olive tissues are injured by diseases or by mechanical damage, a specific enzyme producing highly reactive molecules  hydrolyzes oleuropein. The antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of europe  in derivative molecules against herbivores and insect attacks have been also demonstrated either in plants as well as in vitro against bacterial strains.

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