Thursday, 4 May 2017

Flow-Injection Chemiluminescence Determination of Fleroxacin in Pharmaceutical Preparations and Human Urine

Quality control of drug fleroxacin dosage, its monitoring in biological fluids, and research of drug’s metabolism and action are an important analytical task.
Quality control of drug fleroxacin dosage, its monitoring in biological fluids, and research of drug’s metabolism and action are an important analytical task.  A new chemiluminescence (CL) reaction system was established for the determination of fleroxacin (FLX). The trivalence dysprosium-sensitized CL emission mechanism was investigated by comparing the fluorescence emission with CL spectra.  The CL spectra of FLX-KMnO 4 -Na 2 S 2 O 3 -H 6 P 4 O 13 system are from the narrow characteristic emission of Dy 3+ at 482 and 578 nm ( 4 F 9 → 6 H 15/2 , 4 F 9 → 6 H 13/2 ) through the energy transfer from the excited SO 2 * to analyte, followed by intramolecular energy transfer from analyte* to Dy 3+ .  PDF LINK

A new chemiluminescence (CL) reaction system was established for the determination of fleroxacin (FLX). The trivalence dysprosium-sensitized CL emission mechanism was investigated by comparing the fluorescence emission with CL spectra.

The CL spectra of FLX-KMnO 4 -Na 2 S 2 O 3 -H 6 P 4 O 13 system are from the narrow characteristic emission of Dy 3+ at 482 and 578 nm ( 4 F 9 6 H 15/2 , 4 F 9 6 H 13/2 ) through the energy transfer from the excited SO 2 * to analyte, followed by intramolecular energy transfer from analyte* to Dy 3+ .

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