Friday 14 October 2016

Growth Rate and Morphology of a Single Calcium Carbonate Crystal on Polysulfone Film Measured with Time Lapse Raman Micro Spectroscopy

The phenomenon of calcium carbonate crystal growth from aqueous solutions on surfaces widely occurs in systems where carbonate and bicarbonate ions are present, such as in domestic systems, waste and drinkable water treatment systems or industrial apparatus where water is used.

Lapse Raman Micro Spectroscopy
Crystal growth leads to the formation of mineral scale which reduces the performance of membrane materials in equipment. The scale development is affected by factors such as: pH, super-saturation index, temperature, water composition etc.

The process of scaling and crystal growth includes the following stages:The induction period involve nucleation and crystal growth, and The mineralizing crystals and others particles transportation from the bulk and its adhesion to the surface,and Ageing of crystals at a surface, for instance due to recrystallization and dehydration.Other components present in a mineralizing solution could increase or decrease the crystal growth rate by adhesion to crystal surfaces.

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