Wednesday 2 November 2016

Nanotechnology in Preparation of Semipermeable Polymers

Chemical engineering as a branch of engineering applies physical, chemical and life sciences with applied mathematics and economics to design large-scale processes for converting raw materials into useful forms and products. Advancement in chemical engineering helps in optimizing the industrial outputs.

Semipermeable Polymers
Chemical Engineering Journal is an open access international peer reviewed publication that publishes recent advances on these topics. Seven research articles and a review article have been published in volume 6 issue 2 of the journal. Ahamed et al. in their research article described the synthesis of aminoguanidyl-chitosan imprinted polymers (AGCIPs) for the recovery of precious metals like gold and silver from aqueous solutions. The author found that AGCIPs are effective in absorbing gold and silver from the solutions and also the polymer can be regenerated for reusing up to five times without change in the adsorption capacity.

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